Partnerships are an integral part of Franciscan Works. We partner with churches, schools, individuals, groups, organizations, and businesses to bring hope, faith, love, and a chance for a new life to children living in poverty. Franciscan Works creates partnerships with purpose.

Individuals and groups from schools, churches, and businesses make up the Franciscan Works community. When you choose to invest in a Franciscan Works project - with your time, talent, and treasure - you become more than a financial partner - you join a community.

Join our community as a business or corporate partner, school or university group, or church community.

We look forward to working with you. Please contact us via email or via phone at 773-809-4008 for more information.


Franciscan Works is ready to partner with your school or college/university group by providing an array of charitable activities that address key social problems impacting our world, ranging from a web chat with a classroom in Liberia, art activities for the younger grades, to fundraising ideas and service trips for college campuses. 

You can partner with Franciscan Works by hosting school supply drives, special project fundraisers, educational forums, sports fundraisers and ongoing campaigns. If your institution is interested, please contact us via email at or via phone at 773-809-4008 for more information. We are happy to work with you to design a program that works for your specific age group or group size and special interest.


Franciscan Works is rooted in our Catholic faith and Franciscan spirituality. Similar to St. Francis of Assisi, our faith drives us to connect with the poor, to support those in need, to alert others to the suffering that persists in the world, and to provide opportunities to partner with people from other cultures and backgrounds to build bridges across our global community. 

Churches and other religious groups can partner with Franciscan Works by organizing a supply drive, sponsoring a child or a classroom, holding a fundraising, and/or taking a mission trip to Liberia Mission. Go to Liberia for a working retreat with youth, adults, a parish group, or co-workers to live and learn alongside the children and staff on the Mission and to join in our community prayer times. To learn more, contact us at or 773-809-4008.


Franciscan Works is proud to offer your business or corporation a chance to get to know and support our mission and join a community of partners who are doing a world of good to break the cycle of poverty.  Your business will help raise awareness and funds for Franciscan Works and our international partners; your business will be a part of life-saving mission. 

Partnering with Franciscan Works can save a life through providing a loving home, life skills, and education, while also benefiting you, your colleagues and your business.

Coming together for one goal, one cause, and doing good helps people come together, and the unity of those involved in a company is undoubtedly good for business. Franciscan Works will be happy to work with you to provide custom fundraising materials to find ways to highlight your company's involvement in our mission!

Our Partners

Andrews Foundation

Anthonian Foundation

Cross Catholic Outreach

FSC Foundation

Franciscan Foundation

Haus Ross Foundation

Helen Brach Foundation

Koch Foundation

Neeb Family Foundation

North Shore Community Bank

Ruckstuhl Foundation

Shanahan Family Foundation

St. John the Evangelist, LA