Year in Review

Happy New Year!

As we enter into a new year, we'd like to take a moment to thank you for your prayers and generosity in 2022. Your support has helped us continue empowering Liberian children to break the cycle of poverty. We are deeply grateful that you have said “yes” to our mission. We could not do this without you!

A few highlights of 2022 include: 

  • We completed the construction of new girls’ homes for our female resident students. We hired more house mothers so that each smaller group of girls would receive the necessary care and attention required to raise them in a more family-style setting. The homes are complete with tile floors, individual bathrooms, and plenty of space to do their homework. One room has been designated in each house as the chapel, so there’s always a space in which to quietly pray.

  • We've started construction on a new water tower that will hold more water tanks, providing safe access to clean water for over 500 students and staff. Thank you to all who gave during our Giving Tuesday campaign!

  • We replaced our window screens in the boys’ dorm and purchased new mosquito nets for all our students and live-in staff to protect them from malaria-carrying mosquitoes. A special thanks to generous donations from folks in the Archdiocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin for funding this project.

  • Our 9th grade students achieved a 100% pass-rate of the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) test for the fourth year in a row. Additionally, our sixth-graders and third-graders, taking the test for the first time in school history, attained a 100% pass-rate as well!

  • Alfreda, Ben, and Darius, three of our long-time residential students of Liberia Mission graduated from the St. Kizito Catholic High School, about a twenty-five-minute drive from the mission. Witnessing our students graduate from high school is always a major highlight, as it is not as common for Liberian youth to complete high school as it is in the United States. Alfreda dreams of becoming a nurse and will study Biology at the University of Liberia. Darius will also attend the University of Liberia and will work towards a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. Ben will take a different path and will attend a trade school in order to learn HVAC. Congratulations to Alfreda, Ben, and Darius, and many thanks to God for His continued blessings upon our students!

  • On December 10th, students and staff from Liberia Mission joined thousands of faithful Liberian Catholics in making an annual pilgrimage to Our Lady Queen of Peace Shrine located in Virginia, Liberia, for a special day of prayer. It is the national Marian shrine of Liberia.  Read our recent blog post about the pilgrimage HERE.

And there’s so much more we were able to accomplish! Thank you for a wonderful year at Franciscan Works + Liberia Mission. We send our prayers, love, and gratitude! Happy New Year!

Thank you for reading! Please consider supporting Liberia Mission.


Interview with Former Beneficiary Flomo Kerkula


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