Water Tower Update

Editor’s Note: Joey Neuhauser, Communications and Operations Officer at Liberia Mission, gives an update on the Mission’s new water tower that was funded by our generous donors.

In recent months, we here at Liberia Mission enjoyed watching the marvels of modern ingenuity and engineering, as funded by our generous donors. A devoted team of Liberian craftsmen helped us in our desperate need to replace our old water tower with a brand new tower.

Our old water tower was deteriorating due to the rainforest conditions that allow for vegetation to take root in the small crevices of the concrete structure. Over time, the concrete cracks and falls off, causing the iron rebar infrastructure to rust. This problem only gets worse, and the ever-weakened structure becomes prone to collapse. Thanks to the generosity of various donors, we were able to construct a new tower that holds more water tanks.

The Mission is trying to be fully water sufficient in the dry season and, to accomplish that, we needed more drums in our water tower to store the water. This new tower achieves all aims and then some! We now have 6,000 gallons worth of storage and are far more optimistic about our dry season struggles. 

We are in the rainy season now, and it is looking as though we are not going to be sure about the dry season outcomes until next December. However, we’ve had very steady and consistent water on the Mission, and a greater water pressure was achieved because of the increased height of the water tower. This has led to speed in water collection and for faster morning and afternoon feedings of the animals. In turn, these improvements have led to increased confidence of staff and children alike, as we all celebrate the constant and quick water that we have now thanks to our donors.

You might ask how we demolished the old 30-foot high cement water tower. The process has been quite an arduous one. No dynamite, no machinery, just pure gritty pounding of a large hammer on the floor and the walls. It took an exceedingly long time, but I well and truly believe that this is the safest way available for the construction team given their resources.

Between the old and new tower stands the long history of the Mission and the rising future. The new tower has the capacity to support our growing residential program, school, and large farm. This water tower is a true blessing that will be appreciated for many years to come. We at the Mission would like to say thank you and God bless you to our wonderful supporters!

Thank you for reading! Please consider supporting our Mission!


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