Mission Update

A little slip and slide fun!

So many wonderful things have been happening on Liberia Mission since we last gave you an update!  We want to take this opportunity to share with you some of the activities, educational milestones, and work projects that our students have been involved in.  Of course, we say a big “Thank you O!  May God bless you!” for your continuous support, both financially with your donations, and spiritually with your prayers.

Princess reads the Word of God to the rest of the students.

Pope Francis has declared the Liturgical Year 2019-2020 as the Year of the Word of God and has encouraged us as Catholics to read the entire Bible this year.  We have been doing our part at Liberia Mission by reading several chapters every night as we strive to read the whole Bible this year!

Most of our residential students stayed with us on the mission during their semester break, which was the during the first week of February.  They worked during the morning hours and even managed to make a little money!  During the afternoon some of our older students organized many fun activities for our residential students: a slip and slide, bobbing for apples (with prizes!), and a trip to the local waterfall—so refreshing during the heart of the dry season.  In the end, we lived all the aspects of our motto “God Education Work,” but with an added quality—Fun!

We’re so proud of our newly promoted students!

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School is also experiencing many fine new developments.  This year we had eighteen mid-year promotions.  A mid-year promotion occurs when a student achieves a ninety-one or above average for the first semester.  They are promoted to the next grade with the belief that they have the ability to excel at a higher level.  It is a common practice in the Liberian educational system.  Eighteen mid-year promotions is a school record, and we look forward to honoring these students, as well as other high performing students, at our Second Annual Honors Program on February 29.  We’ll be sure to keep you updated on that!

We have so many awesome work projects going on at the mission right now that it’ll be hard to shed light on all of them.  Our biggest project at the moment is the construction of four new residential homes, two for the boys and two for the girls.  Some of our older beneficiaries, led by Project Manager Jacob Dargbah (recent graduate of B.W.I. in Architectural Drafting), are working along with contracted workers on the construction on the walls; and our B.W.I. students have been helping us dig the foundations while on their semester break. Jesse Campbell, a friend of the Mission from Michigan, came for the whole month of February to help us with with the roof’s construction.  It’s a huge project!  We thank our benefactors and ask for your prayers.  We have also received the Providence of a new deep well at the Mission.  

Again, thanks to our donors and benefactors, and with the assistance of Lifewater, a Canadian-based NGO that digs wells in Liberia, we now have a deep well that is so necessary when our other, smaller wells run dry during the dry season.

It has been a fun and interesting time on the mission recently!

So, as you can see, we have been super busy at the Mission!  As long as we put our faith in God, focus on our studies, and do the work that He puts before us, we know He will make a way.  It hasn’t been easy at all in Liberia recently.  We continue to ask for your prayers and for your generosity because they both sustain us in a country that constantly faces new challenges to prosperity. God bless us all!


Our Second Annual Honors Program